Transformation Tuesday: How to Be a Cleaning Machine

How to Be a Cleaning Machine

We put together our TOP 10 list of housecleaning tips to make you a cleaning machine:

[10] Break down big chores into smaller tasks during the week instead of saving it all for the weekend (or your days off).  Weekends and other time off are for relaxing!

[9] Hi ho, hi ho… it’s off to clean you go! If you don’t whistle while you work, create a cleaning playlist with your favorite tunes (and consider singing along while you work). Trust us, it will make the time fly by!

[8] Make your cleaning supplies easy to access. Create a cleaning arsenal for living areas and store it in a lightweight caddy or other container that is easy to tote room to room. 

[7] Keep kitchen-cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink and bathroom cleaning supplies in the bathroom.  Or at the very least, keep your cleaning supplies on the same floor you intend to use them.

[6] Closely read cleaning product labels. Be careful and pay attention! Make sure you’ve chosen the right cleaner for the surface and soil. Also: NEVER use ammonia and bleach/Comet scouring powder at the same time! Mixing ammonia and bleach is extremely dangerous, as it produces toxic fumes.

[5] Let the cleaning product do the heavy lifting! Spray the product and let it sit on tough stains and soiled areas to do the dirty work while you concentrate on something else.

[4] Open the windows. Ah, fresh air! Goodbye germs! Hello, fresh-smelling house!

[3] When you’re tight on time, only do enough to get by.  A few minutes here and there will make all the difference. Speed clean with an all-purpose cleaner/disinfectant. Read our speed cleaning tips.

[2] Break down holiday and seasonal projects into smaller jobs to tackle throughout the year. This will save you a lot of stress during already hectic times!

[1] Gather up the troops! If you don’t have the time to do it all yourself (or shouldn’t be doing it all yourself anyway…), recruit family members, roommates, or anyone who owes you a favor… or you can always bring in the professionals! This is an especially good idea for deep cleaning sessions.

What are your favorite cleaning tips?
